Rio de Janeiro

Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil is a big and populous city.
This city is know as the Wonderful City. The name says what the city is.
There are a lot of opens spaces and turism places to go.
For example the Cristo Redentor that is one of the Seven Wonders of the World.
There is a lot of entertainment too.
But there are many bad things too.
There is much poluition, traffic, violance and litter.

This city is very nice! I love living here. There are many beaches and I love going there.
I like going to the clubs and to the cinema.
And more!
In 2016 the Olympic Games will be in Rio de Janeiro! That is so exting!
Then, Rio de Janeiro will improve. I'm expecting.

Rio de Janeiro has problems, but it's a great place to live.
I love living in the WONDERFUL CITY!